Competition Info

The 2024 McCartney Invitational Tournament will be held over three days 11-12-13 October 2024 for the following grades:

Boys Grade 9

Boys Grade 10

Boys Grade 11

Boys Grade 12

Boys Garde 13

Boys Grade 14

Boys Grade 15

Girls Grade 10

Girls Grade 12

Girls Grade 14

Helpful Information

Marquee Hire

The club organise bookings through a local company for a marquee to be set up for your club. The set up is done for you, before you arrive, and the packdown after you leave. Booking and Payment MUST be done through the club, as below. 


Orders must come to so we can include them on the set up map & plan. Final date for orders is being finalised now.

Bring your own Marquee

You may bring your own marquee, however, please note that all pre booked Marquees will be set up before you arrive, and any remaining space is available on a first in, first served basis, and you cannot reserve a space. 

Also note, no vehicles will be allowed on the park after 9am Friday morning.

Accommodation Suggestions

Taupo has a wide range of accommodation available -

Field Layout will be updated before the tournament. Rules are not expected to change, but will be reviewed and updated before the tournament.


There are no dogs permitted on Crown Park for the duration of the McCartney Invitational Tournament. Local council bylaws are in place that mean dogs are not permitted on Crown Park. Compliance Officers will be in attendance to ensure safety and hygiene standards are met. If your team, parents, supporters, or anyone connected with your club bring dogs onto Crown Park you can expect future participation to be limited.